"Collaborating with Ida was an absolute pleasure. She is both highly professional and deeply empathetic, truly listening to my needs while bringing her own creative vision with ease and flow. I appreciated her trust in my inputs, as well as her responsiveness to the specific needs of our project. She was reliable, delivering everything on time and excactly as promised. All in all, Ida is a professional whom I highly recommend working with."
                                                                                                              - Ro, 2025 
"Ida er en dygtig, talentfuld og passioneret fotograf. Jeg vil anbefale alle, der overvejer at få taget billeder at arbejde med hende. Jeg synes personligt, at de autentiske analoge billeder kan noget helt specielt og giver et unikt øjebliksbillede og foreviger mindet, som vi herhjemme elsker at se tilbage på. Ida fik mig til at føle mig tryg igennem hele processen med mine graviditetsbilleder, og jeg elsker dem!"
                                                                                                                 - Ditte, 2025
"Ida is a wonderful artist, human and photographer. Her energy and presence is soothing and inviting and the photoshoot with her felt super natural and loving. 
Beyond her talent behind the camera, she brings a soulful depth to the experience, making it feel both effortless and authentic. I highly recommend working with Ida if you’re looking for a photography session that captures your essence with heart and artistry!"
                                                                                                        - Siri, 2025

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